03 December 2009

Sushi Zipang - Cairns newest sashimi on the block

Well after yesterdays disaster - I was still hankering for a sushi fix - and unexpectedly my afternoon suddenly wasn't so busy and I actaully had a proper lunch hour.

Seeing as I had so rudely dismissed a friend's sushi reccommendation last time - today I decided I would track it down and see if I could make a new find.

Let me start by saying that I have absolutely no sense of direction. Pair that with my complete lack of spatial awareness and i'm a pretty dangerous combination when lost.

But I had hope - and an Iphone - and was fairly sure that I could find it on my own without having to admit defeat. It did take me about 45 mins of wandering around Cairns in 40C heat - but when I found it - it was so worth the effort. Lets just hope I can find it again the next time I'm in town... I think I will program it into my GPS... might be easier...?

When I finally found it - it wasn't what I was expecting... it almost looked like a Barber shop from the outside - complete with striped poles and flags, but as soon as I ventured inside, I was welcomed with a hail of Japanese greetings and big toothy smiles.

There is something so comforting about eating in an ethnic restaurant where not only is it filled with customers of that region, but also run by staff who don't speak English. It just feels so authentic.

So although I battled through a conversation for water, a menu and directions to the bathroom - the sushi (and thats what I was there for!) was faultless. It was super fresh, at least 15 different kinds on the train at any one time and the sashimi was glistening and quite obviously straight off the trawler.

By the time I left, there was a line up of about 20 people out the front waiting for a seat at the train, and I cursed myself for taking so long to find this place - it is definately worth the wait!

If you're in Cairns - call in and see them - you won't regret it! I miss them already.

Sushi Zipang
39 Shields Street

Sushi Zipang on Urbanspoon

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these Cairns postings Joy. Agree that Sushi Zipang is probably the best value sushi in Cairns. I tend to avoid Sushi Train.

    I found your blog after your comment on Cairnsblog. If it's ok I have included a quick post and link to your Cairns commentary at www.kitchenslut.net
