10 April 2010

A guilty admission - and my easy Pavlova Recipe...

My name is Joy and (before today) I have never made a Pavlova.

Yes, I am Australian. And yes I am aware that this borders on grounds for deportation.

My excuse? Well… my Dad is a Kiwi, my Grandfather is English and I was born in Jerusalem while my Mum was Backpacking.

Still not cutting it? Not enough Multiculturalism there for you?

Well, asides from the Pavlova I ate in New Zealand that was homemade, and let’s be honest – the ratio of cream to Pav in this case was at least 50:50 – I have only ever eaten those horrible commercial ones you have at cheap Weddings.

I have never been inspired to make Pavlova. But having recently confessed this dirty little secret to an appalled group of friends – I decided to give it a try.

And now that I’ve made it – I’m even more embarrassed because it was ridiculously easy…

Easy Pavlova Recipe:

6 Egg Whites
300g Sugar


Preheat Oven to 180C.

Beat the egg whites until they are stiff and have a satiny sheen.

Continue to beat, and add the sugar one tablespoon at a time until it is all incorportated.

Line a tray with baking paper and lightly grease. Spoon your mixture onto the sheet (either one large, or several small).

The height will determine the consistency of your Pavlova – the higher it is – the more “marshmallowy” middle you will get, while, the lower and wider will give you more “crunchy” outside.

Place into oven at 180C, but as soon as door is closed, immediately drop temperature to 150C. Cook for 60-75 minutes. When cooked, it will look crisp around the edges and just starting to colour.

Turn the oven off and open the door slightly – leave in oven until completely cool and you are ready to decorate.


Cream (a must!)
Fresh fruit
Grated chocolate
Spun sugar

The options are absolutely endless – and as long as you like Pavlova to start with – you can completely customize it!


  1. Worth the wait then! Never knew it was such an aussie thing. Want to try one with rosewater, maybe rosewater meringue with rhubarb.

  2. Okay next step is to join pavlovas anonymous and you have to make it for all your friends! Well done on your first pavlova!

  3. Mmmm...pavlova! I love it, and have made it a few times, but it's not well-known in Canada. Plus, passionfruit is SO expensive here, and I think they're essential. The best one I had was when I spent a Christmas in Australia--perfect! Hopefully you'll be making this often!

  4. Hehe well you know there's that debate about who invented pavlova-NZ or Australia! :P I love pavlova myself and I confess that I like a lot of cream with mine too! :D

  5. ah joy- I have never made a pavlova either - mainly because my Grandmother made the best pavloa and I'm not confident enough just yet- Good work though! yours turned really w!
